viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

What will your life be like 10 or 15 years into the future?

I think, and I hope, my life will be very successful , I hope to be working in 10 year on a  good company, have a good work, and have a good scholar degree , have my own house and my own car,
 I hope to travel a lot because that´s one of my passions so I´m going to work a lot to to earn the money for that gold.

 I going to be married   in 15 years, maybe between 33 and 35 years old, because I want to have a family, and  have  two or three children; I know what is don´t  have  brothers and sisters, and it´s pretty ugly some times, so   I´ll be father in 13 year maybe. and I want to have more than two children :).

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Allanrc13: Fall seven times, get up eight.

Allanrc13: Fall seven times, get up eight.: "Fall seven times, get up eight. I like this proverb, is very useful. We are not perfect, and every day we have to take many decisions and ..."

HI Allan I need to talk to you about the work please call me this is my number 88221253

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

diferents UK/USA

USA : encyclopedia    UK: encylycopaedia 
those words are really diferent  the  brithish word is more complex have a ly and a ae 

USA: analog     UK: analogue

this is a og vrs ague another example of this kind of deference is the word  catalog

USA:analyze   UK:  analyse 

this is a ze VRS se that´s the diferent i some words between the amerincan and british english another word whit this type of deference is the word memorize(memorise british).

what do you understand by globalization how has it afected you as a consumer

well globalization it´s a way to integrate the ecomnomies, societies,and cultures of all countries around the world aand a big network  of political ideas and how to trade.

globalization afect me as a consumer so hard because almost every product that I eat it´s not from this country, it comes from china, or from USA. For exsample like chocolates , now if you want a hershey´s chocolate you just have to go to  the store, but a long time ago if you wanted a hershey´s,  you had to say someone who goes to USA if  he or she could  bring you one from USA .
So now we  have almost everything on our hands, not just food, all the tecnology ,and all the information that we need it´s so close, some times it just need a "click" to buy or have anything you want.
But the problem is that all this globalization  is destroying all the traditonal things of countries because it´s making a global culture, where everyone is involved so we are lossing our own autonomy.

in my oppinion all they are  right in some way

the first one talks about benefist and advanced, and it´s correct, because the globalization brings to all countries more facilities to find information, products, to have the posibility to travel, to have options of diferent brands of the same product.

but at the same time the globalization, how the second  guy says, it´s dominated for just a few companys there not exist a balance of power .
Those industries are not interested on the employees, or in the country, because they just want to have  everything they  want for a low price , sometimes because not all the transnationals are like this.

and the third guy says the truth too , some transnationals are more powerfull than some countries economies, and that´s, for the globalization because those industries used to be local industries, and then whit globalization they start to open the market getting their products  almost to the whole world, so that´s the reason why those industries earn that money , and know are more power full  than some countries.
and I don´t think that´s good because a big part of the money of the world it´s on hads of a few people.

final presentation topic

we are going to work in  group me and allan

our topic it´s  about job interviews, good and bad ways, about ,how to act infront of a interviwer.

we are going to make like a  dramatization of an interview  , one of us its going to  be the interviewer and the other  one the respondent .

the group it´s going to be so involved on the presentetation, because, the idea it´s that the respondent is going to do some things bad during the presentetion, so, our classmates, they are going to say STOP if they notice that something it´s  wrong and they have to say what´s wrong, why , and how we can make it better.
 For example if I get a short for an interview they have to say STOP you are wearing a short  and why it´s that wrong well  it´s wrong because that not formal you must have to wear pants so the respondent is goinig to get the long pants and he is going to ask if that´s the right way or not if they say yes we continue whit the innterview if they say no we are going to ask again what´s  wrong.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

-Fall seven times, get up eight

I really like this one ,  becuse it´s really clear and understandable :).

 Well for me on my own words, it means never give up,  if you fail doing something just keep trying, and, if definitely you  can´t make it possible, try another way or another way but keep trying, why I said that, well , because if you have a dream and you really want to make it possible just fight for it don´t give up, but you have to know when to stop because sometimes you want someting from the deep from your heart  and you try and try and try but at the same time you are hurting you so it´s good to fall your dreams, and if you fall  it´s good to get up but everything has a top.

for example if you studied for a test,and  you reprove on that test, keep trying because some day you are gonna make it , ti´s the same if you want to find a nice job sometimes your dream job its not the first that one you get.

but for example if there is a girl,  who is attacked for hers husband and she said I´m going to forgive him,  he is not doing it again, we fall  but we can save our marriage so I will to keep trying. well I think thats nothig good to keep trying sometime we get blind whit  what we want so it´s good to know when to stop it doesn´t means that  you can´t  trying to get up just know when to stop.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

my experience as a student

 I´m  gonna talk about my life experience as a student, at the beginnig I was so interested in Pharmacy, becouse,  I grew up between pills , yes, but that doesn´t means what are you thinking haha, I said that I grew up between pills, becouse my mom is a Pharmacist so I was so involved since I have memory.

Well , I try to start  at College and I did it, but not in pharmacy, and I really was so disappointed whit my self , my second option was History, but I was very unconfortable on that  carrer, so I proposed myself to get high scores to get in another carrer, so I studied so hard all the entire year, but during that year I was a little unsure about  if I really want to study pharmacy becouse I stared to Know more about  Chemestry, and then I did my choise.

How do you  know guys my choise was Chemestry, so I get one of the four places for chemestry , that year, I had to compete whit more than 90 people who wants one of that four places, and I get  one :)

I was so happy whit the carrear and conform,  I was more interested whit the  theory, but not that much whit some  bussines andministration classes that I took . My life as a student was very calm, and I had the oportunity to work  whit a Ph.D in Organic Chemestry creating a new compoud, it was the most interesting part of my practical and theorical education, I learned a lot whit that mentor, he was a little grumpy but he was  good guy too.

That was my final proyect , a requeriment for my graduation, but we have another requerimet and that is the professional practice.

So if I could change something of my past as student, definitely would be the place where I did my professional practice, and you can  say why??

Well it was a really bad experience , but it was my fault, because I didn´t act quickly when I had to find an Industrie to make my professional practice, so my Industrie was the worst place where I been working.
 Definitely if I could change something would be that  two things, one: act more quickly and choose another Industrie.